Save yourself the trouble by receiving a credit loan and a refinance loan from Sunshine Loan.During difficult times, stay warm with government-supported Sunshine Loan! If you are a citizen of the Republic of Korea, you should get the Sunshine Loan. A government-guaranteed product with warm interest rates and warm limits.Simultaneous loan up to 50 million won possible Sunshine Loan + Saitdol 2Anyone who is employed is OKSmall loans are also OK, from Sunshine Loan to living expenses.Debt consolidation loan is also OK at Sunshine LoanEmergency living expenses and emergency fund loans are also OK at Sunshine Loan.There is no product with better conditions than this in the lending world! Guaranteed!Easily apply and receive deposits with a mobile loan application.Loan interest rate: less than 7-10% per yearLoan limit: Up to KRW 50 million (Sunshine Loan + Living Loan + Refinancing Loan + Intermediate Loan)Loan period: 3 years or 5 years, repayment method in equal installments of principal and interestIt is illegal to request or receive a brokerage fee.Personal information is stored for up to 3 months and is not stored for longer than that. Excessive debt can bring you great misfortune. When you take out a loan, your credit rating or personal credit score may drop. Be careful of voice phishing under the guise of a loan! Please be careful if you ask for a credit rating upgrade fee, loan processing fee, etc. as this is 100% a scam.Interest rate: within 20% per year / Default interest rate: within 20% per year / Handling fee, other incidental costs . All products advertised on this site have a repayment period of 60 days or more, and the maximum annual interest rate is 20%. An example of the total cost of a loan is as follows: If 1,000,000 won is loaned for 12 months with an interest rate of 20% and a maximum annual interest rate of 20%, the total repayment amount is: 1,108,333 won (may vary depending on the loan product.) If the principal and interest to be paid over a certain period of time are overdue, the contract expiration date arrives. You may be obligated to repay all principal and interest before doing so. General financial consumers have the right to receive a sufficient explanation from financial sales business operators, and after understanding the explanation, please read the financial product description and terms and conditions before entering into a contract or financial product.